Saturday, March 21, 2015

Border Terrier (Terrier Group)

Border Terrier (Terrier Group)

The Border Terrier is rated as being one of the most amiable members of the Terrier Group. They love to stay busy and are highly intelligent, making them easy to train. These dogs are the perfect pet for a family that not only appreciates a well-mannered house dog, but also loves to roam the great outdoors and live an active lifestyle.

Border Terriers are great around children and extremely playful. With loads of affection for its owners, these dogs make great companions. And for any rodent problems you may have there is no better solution than having a Border Terrier hunting them down with focus and precision. Some of these dogs bark, others like to dig, but all personalities will fit just about any household.

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A Brief History Of The Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is said to have originated from an area on the Cheviot Hills that bordered between England and Scotland. They have been around since the 1700s and the original function of these dogs were to chase away fox and other animals.

The Border Terrier is the smallest of the long-legged terriers and is quick on its feet. They needed to have enough natural speed to keep alongside a horse running at full speed, yet be small enough to fit through a fox hole. Their closest relative is the Dandie Dinmont. They used to be referred to as the Coquetdale Terrier.
In 1870, the name of the breed was officially coined as the Border Terrier and they participated in the gentry's elegant foxhunts. Their job was to dispatch fox and proved to be quite successful. In the late 1870s the breed was shown for the first time and in 1930 was recognized by the AKC.

Upkeep Requirements For The Border Terrier

Although these little terriers have high energy levels, they can be quite happy with a few brisk walks each day and a romp around the yard if possible. Border Terriers are also fond of exploring off-leash so taking the dog out on a long nature hike is a stimulating activity for both dog and owner.

This breed has tolerance for moderately cool and hot temperatures but should not live outside. Ideally they should be allowed to play in the yard during the day and sleep inside at night with the rest of the family. Grooming requirements call for a weekly brushing to help keep its harsh coat free of dead hairs. Also, a quarterly stripping is recommended to keep the coat maintaining its neat outline.

Health Concerns

The average lifespan for the Border Terrier is between twelve and fifteen years. There are no major health concerns to worry about in the breed. The only minor health issue that is seen is patellar luxation. Rarely observed are heart defects and CHD. Veterinarians suggest that Border Terriers get tested for hip and cardiac problems.

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