Saturday, May 16, 2015

Boxer Dog Breed

Boxer Dog Breed

The Boxer is considered to be an all-time favorite breed among dog enthusiasts. They were formed as a result of breeding two specific European breeds that no longer exist today.  They were the Danziger Bullenbeiser and the Brabenter Bullenbeiser. The AKC recognized the Boxer during the early 1900s.

This dog has a very outgoing personality, playful, and attentive to its owners and training commands. The Boxer makes a perfect addition to a family who enjoys an active lifestyle.  They are generally well behaved with other household pets and are friendly towards children.

Upkeep And Maintenance

The Boxer is not a breed that is meant to be kept indoors without activity.  He needs daily stimulation, both mentally and physically, and enjoys running.  This dog would make a great jogging companion and must be active through daily walks on the leash.

Boxers are best suited for living indoors with their family. Hot weather is not this dogs best preference in terms of temperature.  He prefers a cooler atmosphere so if you keep your Boxer outdoors for any length of time, be sure that there is plenty of shaded area for him to rest when overheated.

Grooming is very simple with the Boxer.  Due to his short coat, you'll only need an occasional brushing once weekly in order to remove dead hairs.

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Health Information

The Boxer dog breed has an average life span of anywhere between eight to ten years. Veterinarians recommend that Boxer dog owners have their animals specifically tested for health issues such as hip dysplasia, cardiac issues, and potential thyroid problems.

There are a few major health concerns that seem to be typical with the Boxer breed, and they are SAS, CHD, and Boxer cardiomyopathy. Minor concerns include  corneal erosion, gastric torsion, hypothyroidism, and colitis. Occasionally, the Boxer dog breed may develop brain tumors or degenerative myelopathy.

Bulldog Dog Breed

Bulldog Dog Breed

The Bulldog is one of those breeds that carries a mean looking facial expression, but is actually a delight to have as a pet. This dog was originally bred to attack bulls, literally.  History has it that these ferocious little guys used to attack and bite the nose of large bulls in the ring for entertainment purposes. Luckily today, the Bulldog is just an everyday house pet.

Despite its angry looking face, these dogs are extremely amiable and mellow.  The Bulldog is well behaved around children and tends to thrive on pleasing its owners.  Although he can be protective of its owner and a little aggressive towards strange dogs, this breed makes a great family companion and will get along just fine with other pets in the home.

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Upkeep And Maintenance

When it comes to upkeep and maintenance of the Bulldog, moderate exercise should be given on a daily basis, such as a brisk walk through the park at least once or twice daily. This is definitely not the type of dog that is made for running.  The Bulldog is quite docile and tends to prefer a slower pace.

Although the Bulldog can live both indoors and outdoors, it is recommended that he remain inside with the family as much as possible.  These dogs cannot stand hot weather and are not good with water. In fact, Bulldogs do not know how to swim.

Grooming the Bulldog takes a little extra care, but only around the face wrinkles and other folds located around the tail.  These areas should be cleaned moderately on a daily basis.  Other than that, a light brushing over the rest of the coat, once or twice weekly, is all that is needed.

Health Information

There are some major health concerns that you need to be aware of when owning a Bulldog.  They include stenotic nares, shoulder luxation, ventricular septal defects, CHD, internalized tail, and elongated soft palate.  Occasionally you might come across urethral prolapse and vaginal hyperplasia.

The lifespan of the Bulldog can reach up to 12 years, sometimes longer.  Specific health tests that are recommended by veterinarians include testing for elbow problems, hip dysplasia, need dysplasia, and potential eye problems. Also, wheezing, snoring, and lots of drool is typical with every Bulldog.

Some Facts about the Boston “Bull” Terrier Dog

Some Facts about the Boston “Bull” Terrier Dog

The Boston terrier is a well-muscled and compact breed. This is not really surprising since the Boston terrier was first bred by people who wanted to use them in dog fights. Now some people may read all sorts of implications from such a violent past. Some people might think that the Boston terrier dog would make a bad pet because of its aggressive nature. However, you should know that as a pet, the Boston terrier can actually be pretty mild mannered.

The temperament of the Boston terrier can be described as enthusiastic as it often loves to play. Most people comment that the Boston terrier actually has a great sense of humor. Another characteristic that people find delightful with this breed is the fact that they are intelligent and are very much easily trained. This fact is also enhanced by the dog’s natural curiosity and love for learning.

Of course, people who own pets know the importance of training. Having a well-behaved pet increases the enjoyment for you both. Having a well-behaved pet means that you can have more fun with that pet.

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One thing that owners have noticed with a Boston terrier is the fact that it can be very sensitive to the tone of a person’s voice. This may be described as a sort of emotion detector. Because of this sensitivity to the tone, a Boston terrier will be able to respond to how you are feeling when you are talking. This means, however, that you need to take care when training your dog. You need to make sure that anger and frustration do not find their way into your voice.

They also make excellent watchdogs as they do not bark indiscriminately. This means that you won’t wake up in the middle of the night because your Boston terrier saw a butterfly. There are some cases, though, when a Boston terrier will not bark at all.

Regarding the living conditions, Boston terriers can do well enough without a yard as long as they get regular exercise. This means that they are suitable for apartment living. However, you should also know that they are very sensitive to the extremes of weather. This means that you should keep it in a place that’s neither too hot nor too cold.

Unlike other terrier breeds, the Boston terrier is an average shedder. This means that you should be wary of keeping it indoors as it can shed fur over your floor. We all know how much of a fiasco that can be.

Bostons have a variety of common health problems. They easily get overheated when they are pushed too hard. As said before, they can also be sensitive to extreme weather and any weather that’s too hot or too cold can leave them with breathing difficulties. Skin tumors and heart tumors are very common with this breed. So you need to bring the dog to a vet regularly.

Another disorder you should watch out for is a skull defect. If a Boston terrier is badly bred, it often develops a bone defect that prevents the brain from growing. This, naturally, will lead to a retarded dog.

Boston Terrier Dog Breed

Boston Terrier Dog Breed

Most dog breeds have very little documentation to show proof of their origin and ancestry.  Because of this lack of factual history, the information on most of these breeds are assumed as best possible, however, the history of the Boston Terrier is different.  This dog breed is well documented.

During the late 1800s, wealthy families from Boston used to employ coachmen to interbreed some of their finest of dogs. It was at that time that one of these crosses, between an English Terrier and a bulldog, created a dog named “Hooper's Judge”. He was well over 30 pounds but was bred with a smaller sized female. The offspring puppy, which was a boy, was then bred with a female smaller than himself.  Finally, the puppies of these two dogs were then interbred with French Bulldogs, which in turn created the foundation of today's Boston Terrier.

By the year 1890, this breed became extremely popular in the Boston area and enthusiasts of the animal created an organization called the American Bull Terrier club.  Shortly after, the name was officially changed to the Boston Terrier and was recognized by the AKC as official dog breed in 1893.

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Upkeep And Maintenance

Boston Terriers are extremely devoted to their owner and are very sensitive to the atmosphere and mood around them.  This dog can sense whether its owner or other people are feeling upset, happy, or angry. This unique characteristic makes the Boston Terrier a wonderful companion who is clever and learns very quickly. Not all of them bark often, but most do, making this animal a great watchdog.

Daily exercise is needed, which only requires the typical walks on a leash or playtime in a field with its owner. He loves to play chasing games, especially retrieving a ball. When it comes to living arrangements, this tough looking dog may seem like it could live outdoors, but quite the opposite is true. Boston Terriers are not meant to live outside as it does not tolerate heat or cold temperatures very well, but most importantly, this animal thrives from constant human companionship with its family.

Health Information

If you keep your Boston Terrier in a constant state of good health from sound nutrition and daily exercise, it has a long lifespan of up to 14 years.  Another quality of this terrific house pet is that it has absolutely no major health concerns throughout the breed.  The minor health issues that rarely come up are stenotic nares, patellar luxation,  elongated soft palate, and allergies.  It is recommended that all Boston Terriers be specifically tested for hip dysplasia, knee problems, and potential eye issues.

Borzoi (Hound Group)

Borzoi (Hound Group)

The Borzoi is a strikingly elegant-looking member of the Hound Group. With its quiet demeanor and outstanding behavior, this breed is one of the most well-mannered dogs to have as a house pet. And once outside the Borzoi loves to run and chase any small animal in sight. They are moderately affectionate, calm around children, and very sensitive to its owners. Most Borzoi dogs are a bit timid, especially around strangers.

A Brief History Of The Borzoi

Also known as the “Russian Wolfhound”, the Borzoi breed has its origins in Russia and has been around since the Middle ages. The history of these dogs go back to a time when they were bred by the Russian aristocracy for several hundred years.

Even as early as the 13th century these dogs were used to course hare. To increase the breed's size and improve the coat, they were crossed with coursing hounds, Russian sheepdogs, and bearhounds. The result was a dog that could hunt wolf in cold weather. They would often hunt in three's - 2 males and 1 female - which were unleashed when a wolf was in sight, taking the animal down with precision until the hunter arrived.

By the time the 1800s came about there were seven types of Borzoi dogs in Russia. The Borzoi that we know of today come from the Perchino type. Once the Russian Revolution took place, many Borzois were killed. The only way the breed survived was due to the caring of foreign royalty that handled several Borzoi kennels. Today the breed is a popular show dog that can often be seen modeling in magazines and also used as a coursing dog.

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Upkeep Requirements For The Borzoi

As with most members of the Hound Group the Borzoi needs plenty of physical exercise. Daily walks on the leash in addition to several laps outside in an open field are the ideal activities for the breed. They also love to sprint. Access to a fenced-in yard during the day is ideal.

These dogs can also live outside but should sleep indoors at night with the rest of the family. They do not tolerate heat well but can handle moderately cool temperatures. Grooming requirements for the Borzoi dog calls for heavy brushings about three times weekly. Their coat is very long and tends to shed often.

Health Concerns

The average lifespan of the Borzoi is between ten and twelve years. The only major health concern in the breed is gastric torsion. Minor health problems that may show up are hypothyroidism and cardiomyopathy. Veterinarians suggest that the Borzoi get specifically tested for cardiac and thyroid problems.